Elgin Professional Firefighters
IAFF Local 439
Protecting our Member's rights since 1935
What We Do
Local DEMO has been fighting for working class families for more than 70 year. We stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes.
Who We Are
Our staff is made up of hard working men and women who know workers rights. Our E-Board has more than 100 years of combined experience standing up to employers.
Who We Represent
We represent works from this specific industry. This type of worker, that type of worker, you can enter any details you want in this spot.Sample message for the repsonsive demo site - Enter your message
Contact My Elected Representatives
The first thing to do when you initially login as the administrator is set a secure password for the account. Click the User Settings button from the home page, then scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a password field. Delete the current password and enter in your own private password.
The Administration Area is the main control panel for the UnionActive system. To access the Administration Area, login to the website as an administrator, and then click the Admin Area button just below the website date. Each link in the Administration Area has a short description about what can be done in that area.
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Welcome to the new site for IAFF Local 439! Please bear with us as we work through updating the site and learning the new system.Action Center